Tracy Coenen, CPA, CFF, MAFF
Tracy has been finding money for over 25 years as a forensic accountant and fraud investigator.

Tracy Coenen, CPA, CFF, MAF
Tracy has been finding money for over 25 years as a forensic accountant and fraud investigator.

Are you ready to take back your power in your divorce?
Too many women are getting cheated out of their share of the money and assets in their divorces.
You’ve been married for years, and you made valuable contributions to your family and your finances. Now that you’re getting divorced, you’re probably being told that you don’t deserve part of the retirement or equity in the house or your share of the bank account.
It’s not fair and it’s not right.
But I’m here to help change that. I’m helping women get fair financial settlements. And it all starts with understanding your finances.
Are you ready to take back your power in your divorce?
Too many women are getting cheated out of their share of the money and assets in their divorces.
You’ve been married for years, and you made valuable contributions to your family and your finances. Now that you’re getting divorced, you’re probably being told that you don’t deserve part of the retirement or equity in the house or your share of the bank account.
It’s not fair and it’s not right.
But I’m here to help change that. I’m helping women get fair financial settlements. And it all starts with understanding your finances.

What You Don’t Know WILL Hurt You
You need to know as much as possible about your family’s finances. And if you were left in the dark about the money during your marriage, that’s going to make this process much harder.
You owe it to yourself to get the best possible financial settlement in your divorce. But you can’t get a fair settlement unless you know exactly what has been going on with the money.
And you can’t count on your husband to give you all the information you need. You might not even be able to count on him being honest in this divorce process.
What You Don’t Know WILL Hurt You
You need to know as much as possible about your family’s finances. And if you were left in the dark about the money during your marriage, that’s going to make this process much harder.
You owe it to yourself to get the best possible financial settlement in your divorce. But you can’t get a fair settlement unless you know exactly what has been going on with the money.
And you can’t count on your husband to give you all the information you need. You might not even be able to count on him being honest in this divorce process.

It’s Time To Make Things Right.
You deserve financial justice in your divorce. You need more information about your family’s finances. It’s time to start gathering the financial documents you need so that you can know everything possible about the money.
I’ve got the expert help that you require for the financial part of your divorce. I can show you exactly what information you need and how you will get it, so you can get the money you deserve in your divorce.
It is my mission to make forensic accounting resources available to women at the lowest possible cost. That’s where the Divorce Money Guide and our resources come in. I can teach you what you need to know very quickly, at a very low cost, and you don’t even have to be good with numbers.

I Know How Hard Divorce Is
I’m Tracy Coenen, and I’ve been working as a forensic accountant for more than 25 years. I have worked with hundreds of women going through divorce.
The women I work with are overwhelmed. They feel like they are at a disadvantage when it comes to the money. They worry that they’re going to get cheated out of their share of the money and other assets.
And they’re not wrong. Women usually are at a disadvantage when it comes to the financial issues.
There’s a pretty good chance that your husband has been taking care of the finances. He probably had control over the money, made decisions about your budget and bills, and rarely asked for your input. You maybe didn’t even have the chance to see account statements or know what was going on with your money.
You’re not alone. Many women facing divorce are in the same situation. And I have helped hundreds of them take back their power and get better settlements in their divorces.
Women who got everything they were entitled to in their divorces.

Know Everything About Your Money
The way you take back the power in your divorce is through information. Yes, knowledge is power.
You can’t get a fair financial settlement unless you have all of the information about your family’s money. I don’t want you to be left in the dark any longer. I want you to know exactly where your money is, how much there is, and what your family’s money has been spent on.
But you have to work quickly. The longer you wait, the less you get. If you don’t get the facts about your finances NOW, your husband has an even greater chance of hiding money or cheating you out of assets.
Let me help you take the next step toward conquering the numbers in your divorce with Divorce Money DOCUMENTS.
The Expert Help You Need
Let’s put my 25+ years as a forensic accountant to work for you. Without the huge price tag that usually comes along with a forensic accountant.
If you have concerns about the money in your divorce, you may have heard that a forensic accountant can help. But you didn’t know how to find one, or you didn’t know how you could afford the services. Divorce is expensive!
It is my mission to make forensic accounting resources available to women at the lowest possible cost. That’s where the Divorce Money Guide and our resources come in. I can teach you what you need to know very quickly, at a very low cost, and without any special knowledge of numbers or accounting on your part.
Let me help you take the next step toward conquering the numbers in your divorce with Divorce Money DOCUMENTS.

Divorce Money DOCUMENTS
Only $49
- eBook to download with full text and helpful tools
- Video tutorials by Tracy, walking you through each step
- Tools to assess what financial documents you need
- Instructions on the exact steps to take to get the right documents
- Guidance on organizing your account statements using a simple process
- Worksheets to help you organize and manage your documents
Divorce Money DOCUMENTS
Only $49
- eBook to download with full text and helpful tools
- Video tutorials by Tracy, walking you through each step
- Tools to assess what financial documents you need
- Instructions on the exact steps to take to get the right documents
- Guidance on organizing your account statements using a simple process
- Worksheets to help you organize and manage your documents
Don’t Be Left In the Dark
Get the information you need about your family’s finances, starting with the most important financial documents. This guide will give you the tools and the process to get the right documents so you know the facts about your family’s money… and get the best possible financial settlement in your divorce.