Divorce Happens, But Sun Happens Too!

Jun 20, 2024

Divorce happens, but sun happens too. That's what we're talking about this week on the Find Me The Money Podcast with the delightful Marissa Baker, a certified life coach.

It's trued. Divorce may be one of the most difficult things you go through. But there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. You will emerge from this emotionally challenging time, and you will feel happiness again.

Marissa joins us this week to share her own divorce journey. Though hard at times, she found joy through it all and she wants you to do the same. Marissa is a girl's girl, and her story is encouraging, unique, and inspiring.

As you can imagine, having been twice divorced before the age of 30, Marissa has been and continues to be the target for the shaming and guilt that often comes with divorce. But Marissa is a fighter, and she has used her platform to help other women going through divorce.

Divorce is a hard event and there will always be haters, but positivity can come from it. Marissa is showing us how she did it and encourages us to trust our gut to find our true happiness.

She's created a sense of community for other divorced women to help them find the sunshine in life again and overcome divorce.

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