Digging Out of Divorce Debt

Aug 22, 2024

One of the most difficult parts of the financial part of divorce is the debt. So many women come out of divorce left with credit card debt, lawyer bills, and a huge house payment. Women often feel the financial pinch of divorce much more acutely than men, as their standard of living goes down 27% after divorce, while their ex-husband's standard of living goes up 10%.

It's important to talk about debt to help remove the shame and give women strategies for digging out of the debt after the divorce. This week on the Find Me The Money podcast, we're talking with Sanja Noble, a credit repair specialist.

We covered things like how to improve your credit score, how to identify a legitimate credit counselor, and strategies for paying down your debts. Listen to the episode Digging Out of Divorce Debt to hear Sanja's three biggest ways that she helps women improve their credit.

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