Today I’m talking with Certified Financial Planner Meghan Dwyer, who is also the host of the Money Isn’t Scary podcast. Society sends messages to women about money that can disempower [...]
Everyone loves a good war story, so I thought it would be fun to have a divorce lawyer come on and talk about a few cases involving clients fighting about [...]
Kimberly Cook and I sat down for an interesting conversation about cultural and racial stereotypes in divorce. She is the founder of Grown Girl Divorce, a divorce resource company, and [...]
You might dread the thought of going back to work after your divorce, especially if you’ve been a stay at home mom for a bit. Jackie Pilossoph, the founder of [...]
Military wives have some special concerns when it comes to divorce. Women are already at greater riskof poverty and homelessness after divorce, but things are even more precarious for military [...]
If you find yourself in a toxic marriage, you’re undoubtedly asking yourself whether you should stay or go. It’s tough to be on the fence, but how do you [...]
When you’re a midlife woman, divorce is especially financially devastating. Facing retirement with a fraction of the funds you were planning for can be frightening. Alison Jacobson works with midlife [...]
Erin Levine is on a mission to help separating couples empower a better life ahead. She is an experienced lawyer turned founder of Hello Divorce, a venture capital backed [...]
Leah Marie Mazur is a certified Divorce Recovery Coach and founder of Mindfully Ready. She specializes in helping women find inner-peace, happiness, and self-love after divorce. She also provides a [...]