Being estranged from your children is incredibly painful. It looks different for everyone, but generally it means that your child is limiting or completely eliminating contact with you. Common causes of estrangement during divorce include:

  • Parental alienation, where one parent is actively turning the children against the other parent and trying to damage the relationship
  • Physical distance when one parent moves away or remarries
  • Putting the children in a position where they feel they have to pick sides
  • Mental health issues in the children, including sadness, depression, grief, and anger that have not been adequately addressed

When your children are minors, it can sometimes be easier to continue a relationship with them because family court will order you to have parenting time. The children cannot be withheld from you and you have remedies available to you through the courts if they are.

When your children are adults, however, the estrangement can be severe and can last indefinitely. The messier your divorce, the more likely it is that your adult children could cut you off. In general, adult children who cut of their parents usually do so because of childhood experiences that involve trauma, miscommunication, or some form of unhealthy relationship dynamics.

The concept of estrangement isn’t just a fad or a fun buzzword to talk about. It is a real thing and it’s being talked about more.

If you are a parent who is experiencing estrangement and you are looking for resources, this free workshop by Tracy Malone may be just what you need. Tracy is a high-conflict divorce coach who is going to be talking about how and why the estrangement occurs and some coping strategies you can implement. This workshop is also going to be a supportive space for parents dealing with complex family relationships involving estrangement.

With the holiday season right around the corner, this workshop is your chance to be prepared for those complicated relationship dynamics.

Estranged Parents Webinar (free)

  • October 30, 2024, 6:00pm central
  • You’ll get a recording of the event in case you can’t make it live
  • Bring your questions for Tracy!
  • Register here


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