Your account statements are the most critical piece of understanding your family's finances.

Getting your fair share of the money and assets in your divorce requires information and knowledge. The Divorce Money Guide empowers you to get the settlement you deserve.

It's time to take control of your divorce and make sure you come out of it with the financial security that you want and need. Getting the right financial documents and knowing how to dig through them is the first step in the process.

You don't have to be an accountant or be good with numbers to understand your family's finances. You just have to know what documents to get, how to organize them, and what to look for in them. Let me show you how.

With my simple process, you will be able to get the right documents and go through them like a champ to find out where your money is, how much money you have, and what your family's money has been spent on.

Don't leave money on the table, and don't let your husband cheat you out of the money and assets that you deserve.

Get the Course

Tracy Coenen has been finding money for over 25 years as a forensic accountant and fraud investigator.

Your account statements are the most critical piece of understanding your family's finances.

Getting your fair share of the money and assets in your divorce requires information and knowledge. The Divorce Money Guide empowers you to get the settlement you deserve.

It's time to take control of your divorce and make sure you come out of it with the financial security that you want and need. Getting the right financial documents and knowing how to dig through them is the first step in the process.

You don't have to be an accountant or be good with numbers to understand your family's finances. You just have to know what documents to get, how to organize them, and what to look for in them. Let me show you how.

With my simple process, you will be able to get the right documents and go through them like a champ to find out where your money is, how much money you have, and what your family's money has been spent on.

Don't leave money on the table, and don't let your husband cheat you out of the money and assets that you deserve.You didn't want a difficult divorce to fall on you, I know. Having to deal with this big life change feels incredibly overwhelming.

I'm sorry this happened to you.

I'm also here to tell you that you can do it. I know youā€™re afraid you might mess this up, but I've done everything I can to make it as easy as possible for women who donā€™t want to pay $10,000 for a forensic accountant.

You can learn everything you need to know about your finances, and I'm going to show you how. Don't leave money on the table, and don't let your husband cheat you out of the money and assets that you deserve.

Get the Guide
Tracy Coenen has been finding money for over 25 years as a forensic accountant and fraud investigator.

I Know How Hard Divorce Is

I'm Tracy Coenen, and I've been working as a forensic accountant for more than 25 years. I have worked with hundreds of women going through divorce.

The women I work with are overwhelmed. They feel like they are at a disadvantage when it comes to the money. They worry that they're going to get cheated out of their share of the money and other assets.

And they're not wrong. Women usually are at a disadvantage when it comes to the financial issues.

There's a pretty good chance that your husband has been taking care of the finances. He probably had control over the money, made decisions about your budget and bills, and rarely asked for your input. Maybe you didn't even have the chance to see account statements or know what was going on with your money.

You're not alone. Many women facing divorce are in the same situation. And I have helped hundreds of them take back their power and get better settlements in their divorces.

Know your numbers BEFORE you agree to anything.

You can't settle your divorce unless you know exactly what has been going on with your family's money. This means you have to know how much money you have, where that money is, and what your family's money has been spent on. You won't know if a settlement offer is fair unless you have these facts first.

Account Statement Investigation helps you find your money.

When you want to focus on where money has been coming from and going to, you need our course Account Statement Investigation. It jumps right into the financial documents you need, getting the account statements, and exactly what to look for.

Account Statement Investigation includes:

  • eBook to download with full text and helpful tools
  • Video tutorials by Tracy, walking you through each step
  • Tools to assess what financial documents you need to gather
  • Instructions on the exact steps to take to get the right documents
  • Worksheets and guidance to help you organize and manage your documents
  • Step-by-step instructions on what to look for in your statements to find out how much money you have, where your money is, and what your family's money has been spent on
  • Guidance on how to put your evidence together for your attorney so you can go into court and get the best possible financial outcome
  • BONUS lessons to help you conquer your divorce
  • Lifetime access to all materials
Take the first step toward knowing everything about your family's finances.

Buy now, start right away.

$1497Ā $397

Pay in full for $397, or instead choose 2 monthly payments of $227 each.

Account Statement Investigation helps you find your money.

When you want to focus on where money has been coming from and going to, you need our course Account Statement Investigation. It jumps right into the financial documents you need, getting the account statements, and exactly what to look for.

Account Statement Investigation includes:

So let’s break this down!

Everything You’ll Get With The Divorce Money Guide:

  • eBook to download with full text and helpful tools
  • Video tutorials by Tracy, walking you through each step
  • Tools to assess what financial documents you need to gather
  • Instructions on the exact steps to take to get the right documents
  • Worksheets and guidance to help you organize and manage your documents
  • Step-by-step instructions on what to look for in your statements to find out how much money you have, where your money is, and what your family's money has been spent on
  • Guidance on how to put your evidence together for your attorney so you can go into court and get the best possible financial outcome
  • BONUS lessons to help you conquer your divorce
  • Lifetime access to all materials
Take the first step toward knowing everything about your family's finances.

Buy now, start right away.

$1497Ā $397

Pay in full for $397, or instead choose 2 monthly payments of $227 each.

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Women who got everything they were entitled to in their divorces.


“Tracy's Divorce Money Guide not only saved me from an expensive and contentious divorce, the online handbook educated me on what to look for, when to seek help and how to save money. I appreciated the knowledge and the actionable items-- as well as the peace of mind!"


"Divorce is stressful. Using Tracy’s guide helped me feel confident going into court. I knew our financial situation inside and out."


“Tracy's Divorce Money Guide not only saved me from an expensive and contentious divorce, the online handbook educated me on what to look for, when to seek help and how to save money. I appreciated the knowledge and the actionable items-- as well as the peace of mind!"


"Divorce is stressful. Using Tracy’s guide helped me feel confident going into court. I knew our financial situation inside and out."

The Expert Help You Need

Let's put my 25+ years as a forensic accountant to work for you. Without the huge price tag that usually comes along with a forensic accountant.

If you have concerns about the money in your divorce, you may have heard that a forensic accountant can help. But you didn't know how to find one, or you didn't know how you could afford the services. Divorce is expensive!

It is my mission to make forensic accounting resources available to women at the lowest possible cost. That's where theĀ Divorce Money GuideĀ and our resources come in. I can teach you what you need to know very quickly, at a very low cost, and without any special knowledge of numbers or accounting on your part.

Let me help you be truly ready to protect yourself and conquer the numbers in your divorce.

Don't Be Left In The Dark

Let me help you understand your money BEFORE you agree to anything in your divorce. With me by your side, you'll have the courage to learn the truth, know everything about your money, and have the proof to get financial justice in court.

Your financial future is too important to just *hope* things work out okay. You need to take charge of the financial part of your divorce and investigate your account statements to get the most money in your divorce.