Don't Waste Thousands of Dollars on the Wrong Divorce Lawyer

You Need the Right Attorney to Get the Right Settlement

Having the wrong divorce lawyer for your case could cost you. But you don’t know where to start when it comes to choosing someone.

Finding the Right Attorney Is One Of the Most Critical Steps in Your Divorce

You are probably nervous about choosing a divorce lawyer. I don't blame you! Lawyers are expensive, and will likely be the MOST expensive part of your divorce. You don't want to get this wrong.

But how will you know who is the right attorney for you? You have probably never been involved in a legal case before. You've never had to hire an attorney. You don't know what to ask, what to look out for, or how to choose the right person.

Know how to get the best attorney for YOUR case.

The right divorce attorney for your friend is not necessarily the right one for you. Every case is different. Lawyers have different strengths and weaknesses. They communicate differently. The cost can vary a lot.

You want to find the attorney who fits your case and your needs.

I want to show you how to select the best divorce lawyer for yourself. I want you to know the questions to ask and the things to consider. And I want you to be ready for the financial part of your divorce so you are prepared to get the best possible settlement.

I Know How Hard Divorce Is

The women I work with are overwhelmed. They're worried about what is going to happen with child custody and where they are going to live. They feel like they are at a disadvantage when it comes to the money. They don't know how they'll pay the bills and they worry that they're going to get cheated out of their share of the money and other assets.

And they're not wrong. Women usually are at a disadvantage when it comes to the financial issues. They most likely haven't had as much control over the money as their husbands. They are often low on money during the divorce, while their husband is freely spending and has access to plenty of money.

So you want a divorce attorney who is going to look out for your best interests, help you get a good settlement, and not charge sky-high fees.

You're not alone. Many women facing divorce are in the same situation. And I have helped hundreds of them take back their power and get better settlements in their divorces. Our first step toward doing that is finding the best attorney for your divorce.

You Need the RIGHT Attorney to Get The Best Outcome

You're going to have to be tough in your divorce. Even if you think you are going to have an amicable divorce and your husband would never screw you over, you still have to protect yourself. You can be friendly and cooperative without being a doormat. You can stand up for yourself in a logical, confident, but respectful way.

The best first step toward taking control of your divorce process is by hiring the right attorney. You need someone who will advocate for you but not constantly argue. Someone who will speak your language and stay in regular communication with you. A lawyer who knows what your priorities are in the divorce, and will fight for those things for you.

I can show you how to choose the right attorney in our Finding the Right ATTORNEY mini-course.

Don't feel lost in this process. Know exactly how to evaluate the lawyers you talk to and the questions to ask. Understand the financial discovery part of your divorce and be ready to get the right financial information. Set yourself up for victory in this divorce process.

The Expert Help You Need

Let's put my 25+ years as a forensic accountant to work for you. Without the huge price tag that usually comes along with a forensic accountant.

If you have concerns about the money in your divorce, you may have heard that a forensic accountant can help. But you didn't know how to find one, or you didn't know how you could afford the services. Divorce is expensive!

It is my mission to make forensic accounting resources available to women at the lowest possible cost. That's where the Divorce Money Guide and our resources come in. I can teach you what you need to know very quickly, at a very low cost, and without any special knowledge of numbers or accounting on your part.

Let me help you select the right divorce lawyer with our Finding the Right ATTORNEY mini-course.


Women who got everything they were entitled to in their divorces.


“Tracy's Divorce Money Guide not only saved me from an expensive and contentious divorce, the online handbook educated me on what to look for, when to seek help and how to save money. I appreciated the knowledge and the actionable items-- as well as the peace of mind!"


"Divorce is stressful. Using Tracy’s guide helped me feel confident going into court. I knew our financial situation inside and out."


“Tracy's Divorce Money Guide not only saved me from an expensive and contentious divorce, the online handbook educated me on what to look for, when to seek help and how to save money. I appreciated the knowledge and the actionable items-- as well as the peace of mind!"


"Divorce is stressful. Using Tracy’s guide helped me feel confident going into court. I knew our financial situation inside and out."

Finding the Right ATTORNEY

Only $39

A mini-course to teach you:

  • How to choose attorneys to meet with for an initial consultation
  • The things you need to understand about the attorney, their billing practices, the divorce process, and the laws of your state
  • Questions to ask an attorney during your first meeting
  • Important considerations when making your selection
  • What financial discovery entails, including how things work, the legal terminology you will hear, and financial documents you should consider gathering
  • Lifetime access to all materials

Don't Pick the Wrong Lawyer

Follow my careful guidance on interviewing attorneys and considering the right things BEFORE you choose your attorney. This decision is too important to go into it blind. You need my decades of experience as you begin to find your lawyer.

Set yourself up to get the best possible divorce settlement from the beginning. It all starts with having the right lawyer on your side. This mini-course will give you the guidance you need to get the right attorney, understand the financial part of your divorce, and get ready to get the most money in your divorce.