What Do We Do With the House?

Jul 31, 2024

Many divorcing women are torn when it comes to deciding whether they should fight for the family home or get a fresh start with a new apartment or house. It is hard because there are so many financial considerations, especially when it comes to home loans, interest rates, and the high cost of renting.

When deciding whether to keep or give up the house, taking emotion out of the decision process is key. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Treat your divorce like a business transaction.

Divorce is emotional and the family home can really pull on a woman's heartstrings. Statistically, women are the ones who maintain the home and take real pride in making it a comfortable, safe place for their family, so it's no wonder women are more likely to want to keep the house when they divorce.

Leaving the home can be extra challenging for a mom, especially when there are children who still live at home. This is probably the number one reason I've heard my clients talk about keeping the house. They know they can't afford it or will struggle, but they don't want to uproot the children. After all, the kids are on an emotional divorce roller coaster, too.

But, in reality, most kids care much more about a happy, healthy mom and dad than they do about where they actually live. Would they really be happy if you were struggling to make ends meet every single month?

Making this decision in your divorce shouldn't be taken lightly and you need to be informed. Keep or Give Up the HOUSE is my new resource to help you with questions about this decision in your divorce. You'll learn everything from how to navigate refinancing your mortgage, to thinking about all the costs that go into the upkeep of a home, to what you should be concerned about if the home is going to be sold.

Taking the emotion out of this decision can save you money in the future. You deserve to have the best settlement and to have financial security when the dust settles after your divorce, so take everything into consideration before you choose to Keep or Give Up the HOUSE.

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