Money Secrets Before You File For Divorce

May 20, 2024

Professionals working in the field of divorce know lots of tips and secrets to help you get a better outcome in your divorce. While your friends and family probably mean well when they are giving you advice, they don't necessarily have the knowledge or experience to help you in the best way.

Let me help you with some insider tips to get your divorce started for you in the best way possible. You need to have a handle on your finances and be fully prepared for what is to come in the divorce. Here are some of the most critical steps you should take before you file for divorce.

1. Get a great attorney. The divorce process is complicated and you want your rights protected. The best way to do that is by retaining an attorney who will look out for your best interests, will advise you on the laws of your state, and will help ensure that your divorce papers are prepared correctly.

2. Gather as much evidence as you can to prove your case BEFORE you file for divorce. This means you should get copies of the bank and credit card statements, screenshots of shady social media posts, and anything else that you can provide to your attorney to build your case.

3. Consider hiring other professionals to help with your divorce case. A "divorce team" sounds expensive, but can actually save you money in your divorce. You might think about a divorce coach, a therapist, a career coach, a private investigator, or a forensic accountant. There are many other professionals who could help as well.

4. Get a handle on your family's finances. Who handles the money in your marriage? If you haven't been in the loop, now is the time to get to know your money better. What is your biggest asset? What debts do you have? All of this prep work will help you calculate your current living expenses and what you'll need to plan for after the divorce.

5. Start saving money. You need to set aside some money right away, no matter how little or how much have available. This money can be a safety net later in the divorce process.

6. Open accounts in your name alone. You need a bank account and a credit card that only have your name on them. Your husband will not be able to access these accounts or shut them down. These accounts will be the start of your financial independence.

7. If you haven't been working, start searching for a job. The sooner you start bringing in money of your own, the better off you will be. Even if you are awarded alimony and/or child support, it doesn't last forever, and you will need to support yourself and your children after the divorce. The sooner you start on this, the better. Before you file for divorce, update your resume, look into career training or education, and scope out the job market.

8. Know your rights under the laws of your state. Every state has different laws regarding the division of assets, support calculations, who is responsible for debt, and other financial things. It is important to know what you're entitled to and what you can expect under the laws of your state.

As you can see, there is a lot to think about when you are preparing for divorce. A competent attorney will help you know your rights and be prepared for what is going to happen during your divorce.

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