Raising Kids, Sharing Costs: Co-Parenting Finances

Jul 03, 2024

You made it through your divorce, and you don't have to talk to him ever again, right? WAIT...you have kids. You may not live in the same home, share the same last name, or speak to this person every day, but you do share one very important role: Co-Parent. This week on our podcast, w have co-parenting coach Jay Skibbens talking with us about navigating the financial part of coparenting.

You will forever be tied to your ex-husband through your children, so it's best to try and make this relationship as good as possible, while still holding healthy boundaries. Sure, there will be disagreements about the finances, custody, and more. But you aren't maintaining the relationship for you. This is for your children.

Jay has been successfully co-parenting his own sons for years and shares his experiences and insight to help moms focus on finding ways to become financially independent, changing the mindset around money, and even expressing gratitude toward your co-parent.

This new transition into co-parenting after divorce is difficult for many women. They know what they experienced during the marriage, the courage it took to finally leave, the gut-wrenching divorce process, and now they are just supposed to drop the kids off every other weekend and trust?

We're helping you find ways to manage your new co-parenting status like a pro. Protect your kids from being negatively impacted by the financial issues after divorce and reduce the animosity, while maintaining accountability from your co-parent. Tune in to Raising Kids, Sharing Costs: Co-Parenting Finances.

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