Episode 68:

I Can't Afford to Leave My Marriage

with Kate Anthony, Author and Divorce Coach


Show Notes

Kate Anthony is here to talk about financial issues that impact your ability to leave your marriage. She is the author of The D Word: Making the Ultimate Decision About Your Marriage, which is a fabulous resource for women making the decision about divorce. Kate’s work is focused on empowering women to make the best decisions for themselves.

Women can often feel disempowered when it comes to money. We talk about the signs of financial abuse and what women can do to protect themselves if they are in a relationship that involves financial abuse.

It can be difficult to think about leaving your marriage, especially if the financial issues concern you. How will you afford to live, much less stay in a lifestyle like the one you have in your marriage? Kate respects everyone’s ability to choose for themselves, but when her marriage was in trouble, she chose the path of peace and happiness rather than immediate financial security.

Get a curated podcast playlist from Kate by answering a few questions: https://quiz.tryinteract.com/#/63e590d49b95d80014b5ac2a

Get Kate’s book, The D Word: Making the Ultimate Decision About Your Marriage: https://amzn.to/48SC2NV

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