Episode 67:

Spending Your Way Through Your Divorce

with Paige Pritchard, Spending Coach and Host of The Money Love Podcast


Show Notes

Paige Pritchard is a spending coach and the host of The Money Love Podcast. She is here to talk about the challenges women face with overspending and impulse shopping, particularly during a difficult time like divorce.

It is important to pay attention to your money, and Paige works with her clients to develop a “Money Map” to manage their spending. We talk about revenge spending during divorce, which is a common thing during divorce, but does not provide the desired satisfaction. We discuss the emotions that drive our spending, and Paige gives her “3 Ds” method for getting impulsive spending under control. 

Get Paige’s free masterclass, “Why You Impulse Shop and How To Stop” here: https://paigepritchard.com/free-training-sign-up-gpod

Find Paige on Instagram and TikTok: @overcoming_overspending

Work with Paige: https://overcomingoverspending.com/

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